Law Of Pakistan

Law Of Pakistan

Monday, August 21, 2023

Article 73 Constitution Of Pakistan


Article 73 of the Constitution of Pakistan pertains to the powers and functions of the President of Pakistan. It outlines the role and responsibilities of the President in the country's governance. The article is part of Chapter 2, which deals with the executive branch of the government.


According to Article 73, the President is the head of state and represents the unity of the Republic. The President is elected by an electoral college consisting of members from both houses of Parliament, as well as members from the provincial assemblies. The term of office for the President is five years.


The article further states that the President has certain powers and functions, which include:


1. Executive Powers: The President is vested with executive powers and exercises them directly or through subordinate officers. However, these powers are exercised on the advice of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet.


2. Legislative Powers: The President has a role in the legislative process. Bills passed by Parliament require presidential assent to become law. The President can also promulgate ordinances when Parliament is not in session, but these ordinances must be presented before Parliament for approval within a specified period.


3. Diplomatic Powers: The President represents Pakistan in international relations. He/she appoints ambassadors, receives foreign envoys, and concludes treaties and agreements with other countries on behalf of Pakistan. However, treaties and agreements must be ratified by Parliament.


4. Military Powers: The President is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Pakistan. He/she appoints and promotes military officers on the advice of the Prime Minister and exercises control over defense matters.


5. Emergency Powers: In case of a grave emergency, such as war or internal disturbance, the President can declare a state of emergency in consultation with the Prime Minister and other relevant authorities.


6. Pardoning Powers: The President has the authority to grant pardons, reprieves, and remissions of punishment to individuals convicted under federal laws.


7. Appointment Powers: The President appoints various high-ranking officials, including judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, the Chief Election Commissioner, and the Chairman of the Federal Public Service Commission.


8. Dissolution of National Assembly: In certain circumstances, the President can dissolve the National Assembly on the advice of the Prime Minister.


It is important to note that while Article 73 outlines the powers and functions of the President, it also emphasizes that these powers are to be exercised in accordance with the Constitution and other laws of Pakistan. The President is not an absolute authority but operates within a democratic framework.


In conclusion, Article 73 of the Constitution of Pakistan delineates the powers and functions of the President. It covers various aspects such as executive, legislative, diplomatic, military, emergency, pardoning, appointment powers, and dissolution of the National Assembly. These powers are exercised by the President in consultation with relevant authorities and within the confines of constitutional provisions.

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